Monday Morning Mercy SVdP's Betty Vargas gets into dental school The dental assistant overcomes the odds through hard work, mentorship and SVdP's dental clinic which gave her talent an unexpected chance Read article
Monday Morning Mercy Falling temperatures bring rising spirits... and sprouts! A moment of beauty on our Urban Farm marks a shift in season and a welcome goodbye to summer heat Read article
Monday Morning Mercy A pawn sacrificed... but a friend gained Two generations met over a game of chess in SVdP's Dream Center, finding unlikely common ground Read article
Monday Morning Mercy Mother Nature's message from Mesa Urban Farm A bunch of bananas overcame the odds to share an important message with us Read article
Monday Morning Mercy Water relief for a family in abandoned trailers A family on the outskirts of Phoenix relies on its biweekly visits from SVdP's water truck Read article
Monday Morning Mercy Andy Tofil's Last Supper A talented volunteer wanted to give back and chose a particularly beautiful way to do it Read article
Monday Morning Mercy Secondhand Elegance: A Wedding Dress Found in Giving A thrift treasure destined to grace over the most important day of Mackenzie Haehl's life. Read article
Monday Morning Mercy Bingo and other games bring the spice of life to Ozanam Manor Oz guests are having more fun than ever B-4! Read article
Monday Morning Mercy An act of kindness that saved a home The SVdP Neighborhood Brigade helped a man keep his home by upkeeping it when he couldn't Read article
Monday Morning Mercy More than a ball Disparate staff members of SVdP came together when a 13-year-old guest needed a basketball Read article
Monday Morning Mercy A taste of home in Ozanam Manor Greg brought the warmth and aromas of a home-cooked meal to the kitchen in his dorm area Read article
Monday Morning Mercy A moment of radical honesty Shelter Manager Jennifer Olsen shows a guest mercy with a little bit of firm reassurance about life after the street Read article